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Will Hull - Web Manager for KeepAmericaFishing: Please take action and contact Congress about this »
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Newstips is a grassroots news service providing journalists with stories and sources from Chicago-area nonprofits and community organizations. Journalists can receive Newstips via email or subscribe to this RSS feed. Website
Writeboards are sharable, web-based text documents that let you save every edit, roll back to any version, and easily compare changes. Use Writeboard to write solo or collaborate with others. Website
Dropbox provides instant access to your uploaded documents on any internet connected device including your computer, tablet or smart phone. You can create shared folders to allow people to work together on the same projects and documents. Website
DocumentCloud runs every document you upload through OpenCalais, giving you access to extensive information about the people, places and organizations mentioned in each. Reveal all the dates mentioned in a set of documents, and plot them on a timeline. Zoom in to view just the few critical months or days. Discover documents related to your story and explore links to the original reporting. Website