West Side youth learn media production

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There’s lots of talk about a longer school day for CPS, but little attention on how it actually looks to students and teachers on the ground.

That’s the subject of a new video by Tiara Nelson of the Westside Writers Project.  It’s one of several produced so far by students in WWP’s Summer Digital Workshop.

Others deal with longtime community development advocate Bill Howard; the new Richard M. Daley Library; a community planning process to create gateways to West Humboldt Park; air pollution – and particularly the effects of two nearby coal-powered plants; and the new gymnasium at Rowe-Clark Noble Charter School, with highlights from the annual student-staff basketball game.

Started in 2006 as an after-school writing project focused on producing The Ave., a community newsletter, WWP has expanded to summer and in-school programming while branching out to video podcasts.  The summer workshop – led by two students, with assistance from adults – allowed a lot more kids to get trained and experienced in new media technology.

Students chose and research subjects, developed scripts including locations, camera angles and interview questions, shot interviews, and edited their podcasts, learning about transitions, overlays, and use of text.

Still to come is a podcast on the issue of food deserts, so stay tuned!

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